Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Admitting You're Wrong

I am one of those people who don't like to be wrong. I will fight and make up the stupidest of arguments sometimes just for the sake of 'not being wrong'. Eventually, at some point, I have to stop and admit how ridiculous I'm being and admit that I am not right. It's a pride issue. I'm sure there are a lot of you out there that don't like to be wrong and that don't like admitting you are wrong. But sometimes you have to admit you screwed up.

Recently I screwed up big time. Like, I have NEVER messed up a friendship like I messed up this one. I got caught in the middle of a couple. I was a friend to both of them and it was never my intention to hurt any of them. They were having some trouble during a period of a couple of months and over and over again I kept sticking my nose in their business. I always wanted to know what EXACTLY was going on with them and I wanted them to tell me about EVERY decision they made as a couple. I always wanted them to keep me in the loop of things because I just wanted to KNOW what was going on just for the sake of knowing.

Because I have the bad impulse to want to know things. My curiosity kills me.

Bad idea.

Now it's been about two months since I've had conversations with either of them. And I can't really put into words how GUILTY I feel about pushing my way into their relationship. I was really close friends with both of them but now I'm not. All because I wanted the relationship to be between three people instead of two.

Lesson learnt: don't stick your nose in business that isn't yours.

It took me a while to ask them for forgiveness because, like I said, I don't like being wrong, I don't like messing up. But sometimes you have to understand that you have to value your FRIENDSHIPS over your PRIDE.

You don't have to always be right. Insisting that you are right and others are wrong can just hurt people and damage your relationship. In my case, I did not admit I was wrong and over and over again I caused more and more damage. I completely blew it.

It is better to give up a fight than loose a friendship.
People are more valuable than your ego. I had to learn that the hard way.
Hopefully it's not too late for you.

- Ruthie

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