Monday, August 7, 2017


‘You have to hurt in order to move on’

That is the phrase that inspired this blog post. Hurting is a necessary part of life. We hurt when someone dies, when we have to say goodbye to our loved ones, when we close a chapter of life and start a new one, or in my case, when it’s time to move thousands of miles away from my home to go to college.

The time has come to move out of the house. I never thought I’d be more terrified and excited at the same time.

The past week has consisted of several goodbyes, hugs and tears. I told my mom as we were having lunch that I just wanted this part to be over. I didn’t want to hurt anymore or cry or say goodbye to a single other person. I just wanted to skip this part and move to college. Get the goodbyes and tears over with. This is what she told me: ‘Esta parte, mi hija, es necesaria.’

‘This part, my daughter, is necessary.’

Hurting is a part of life. It reminds us how valuable people are. We have to hurt in order to have closure and move on with the next thing in our lives. It’s not emotionally, mentally, or physically healthy to not let yourself feel. This might cause you to break down in the future and a little guilt might even come for not getting proper closure.

It’s ok to cry, to hurt. Is it hard? Yes. Is it worth it? Definitely yes.  

Personally, I don’t like to cry in public. I don’t like feeling vulnerable and exposed in front of people. That’s ok, that’s understandable. Most people don’t like wearing their hearts of their sleeves; however, this doesn’t mean that every time you are sad or hurting you’ll put your feelings in a box and lock them away. Like I said: not good.

It’s hard to hurt, but it is necessary. And I promise, it won’t last forever.